Hi, I’m Susie Kim, a relationship & intimacy coach helping you create easeful, joyful relationships

I work with individuals and couples who have achieved success in many areas of life, but want more ease, connection and joy in their relationships.

I’m an ex-criminal prosecutor who succeeded in my academic and professional life while experiencing anxiety, insecurity and constant conflict in my relationships. Over many years, I walked the path from anxiety to ease, from conflict to connection, and from unhealthy to healthy, nourishing relationships.

What I know without a doubt is that relationship is a skill that can be learnt by anyone.

It is now my joy and my job to simplify the process and teach you the emotional and relational skills to find, create and maintain nourishing relationships in your life.

Singles who work with me find they are able to rewire unhelpful relationship patterns and approach dating with confidence, clarity and excitement. They learn the practical skills of dating & relating, leading to better dating experiences and even long term secure relationships.

Individuals and couples in relationship who work with me find they can communicate and navigate conflict with ease, and meet their partner from a place of genuine understanding and care. Couples learn to create a secure and loving bond, making space for more joy, connection and intimacy.

You’ve worked hard to do all the right things in life.

You worked for your career and you’ve achieved success. You have the lifestyle you always wanted and maybe you even have a relationship and a family.

And yet… while you’re grateful for what you’ve achieved and how far you’ve come, you’re also asking yourself, is this it?

Because while you feel proud of your work, you’re struggling in the area of relationships & intimacy. Maybe you’ve been single for a while and don’t know if there is anyone out there for you. Or maybe you’re in a relationship but you’re feeling increasingly disconnected.

You see some couples looking so happy and content and you wonder… is it real? Do people actually feel deeply connected in their relationships and is it possible for you?

I am here to tell you that as long as you are willing, you can learn how to create and maintain easeful, joyful, connected relationships.

Investing in creating quality relationships is one of the most rewarding processes and it is fully available to you.

Relationship is a skill.

Download my free 12-page guide to dealing with dating & relationship triggers 👇

PLUS my bonus Reconnect & Recentre meditation

If there’s one thing that makes dating & relationships difficult, it’s ‘came out of nowhere’ emotional triggers.

It’s that sudden insecurity that turns you into an awkward teenager on a date, that anger that rises fast when you’re arguing with your partner about that same thing, again!

What you’re about to learn includes tools that have helped my life as well as my clients’ love lives. And I know they can help yours too!

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